Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Truth Project

I recently had the opportunity to present the The Truth Project videos on Sunday mornings at my church, Boulevard Christian Church in Muskogee, Oklahoma. We covered the last episode of the series a week ago today. I bought this set of DVDs several years ago after I got to viewed several of them as part of a men's Bible study group at a previous church. Since it had been several years since I had viewed any of these videos, I enjoyed watching these lessons in a small group setting again.

The focus of the series, which were produced by Focus of the Family, was understanding and developing a Bible-based Christian worldview. Along the way, we discussed the Bible's truth claims, ethics (and morality), society's view of man, the evidence that human beings have a supernatural Creator, historical revisionism, the role of Christianity in the founding of the United States, and several other issues.

These were the 12 episode topics:

  1. Veritology: What is Truth?
  2. Philosophy & Ethics: Says Who?
  3. Anthropology: Who is Man?
  4. Theology: Who is God?
  5. Science: What is True? (2 parts)
  6. History: Whose Story
  7. Sociology: The Divine Imprint
  8. Unio Mystica: Am I Alone?
  9. The State: Whose Law?
  10. The American Experiment: Stepping Stones
  11. Labor: Created to Create
  12. Community & Involvement: God Cares, Do I?
With the exception of lesson 5, which was divided into two one-hour videos, each video lesson was about an hour long. After we viewed each episode, we had time for discussion and prayer.

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